End of story (Fargo, some people know exactly where and who).
And I come back.
The sentence came when talking about friends that treat you like parents (or the way you let them treat you that way). Sometimes you have to block their calls (sometimes you have to block them altogether).
But today, not only this sentence came about, but also a series of mild coincidences.
I had looked for a Seinfeld video on Youtube last night (being as I am back to life in the nineties). I sent it to a friend. He puts it up on Facebook and that gets another exfriend's attention, someone from RI who wanted to hear from me. This woman I had had a few dreams about in the recent months, although I haven't seen her in over ten years. Another woman, a co-worker from that time back had just contacted me a month before.
This morning, one of my favorite journalists-commentators on TV was talking about answering machines or voicemail, call ID, blocked ID, etc. and how they’ve helped us avoid unwanted calls. Something that touches me, since I've had to use the screening / identifying mechanisms to avoid long conversations or rather interrogations lately -though I still need to perfect my system a little more with telemarketers (why don't I hang up when I hear that two seconds' delay yet?).
Anyhow, I go back to Youtube to look for that Seinfeld video, and there I have the one about George's answering machine...
(believe it or not, I’m not home) that cracks me up.
I'm literally bent over with laughter, not only 'cause that character has always been my "equivalent/bizarro” in Seinfeld (I used to say I am in between Elaine and George, but I guess I tend to be more of a georgieboy). I’m laughing because the words in that song and the music make me laugh, and because George’s behavior reminds me of my own behavior when nobody's looking. 'Cause screening for one person probably gets him into more trouble than he would be in if he just picked up the phone and said whatever he wanted to say to the woman he is screening against. Also, I like the fact that Jerry knows what George is doing and that's what I want from a friend. Please do get me, if you call yourself a friend.
Then I write to another friend of mine who was with me yesterday and he said I was sad, and I probably was, but today I wrote to him thanking him for his time with me and informing him that by the time I went to bed I had a big smile on my face. So he sends me another Youtube video as a gift. A video about the power of smiles. And he asks me last night if I was writing and I did start writing, or kept writing. I've been smiling, laughing, crying (just a bit) and writing.
So you’ll say, really nothing new here. And you'll be right, my friend.